Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homework 05

I have created a basic shuffleboard game to practice physics in the blender game engine. The goal is to keep the objects on the board as long as possible while keeping it constantly moving. While this isn't going to be a gameplay feature that the player will use, the environment WILL shift/shake and throw obstacles at the player in the actual game.
The blender file can be found on Team 1's Google Drive (I couldn't find a way to directly link to it in the blog, any advice welcome on how to do that).

1) These objects will be mostly decor for our modern landscape, save the revolver which will be used by the player. When the monster is near the ground will shake, causing any loose objects to shudder and leap around.
2) It creates suspense for the player, while making controls more difficult to control and providing flying obstacles to avoid. 
3) The simple game I've made is a basic shuffleboard where  the goal is to keep the objects on it for as long as possible. An extended and more difficult version would have the player on the shuffle board that they are controlling. You would have to fight to survive the environment that you are creating, adding a fun twist to the game.

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